nurses – Healthcare Solutions Sun, 19 Apr 2020 20:45:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 nurses – Healthcare Solutions 32 32 175296085 NETEC Personal Protective Equipment for COVID-19 Fri, 17 Apr 2020 04:17:16 +0000

Guidance for the donning and doffing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for COVID-19 (formally 2019-nCoV) following the CDC guidelines: Standard, Contact, and Airborne Precautions.



NETEC Website: Email: [email protected] Repository:…






How is COVID-19 Affecting Your Business Sat, 04 Apr 2020 01:30:33 +0000 These are unprecedented times, with information changing daily and multiple emergency executive orders taking effect in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. These events are largely having a devastating effect on all industries, including the temporary staffing sector. Many of our staffing industry clients are experiencing severe and immediate business contractions.

Healthcare and certain logistics related sectors are experiencing increases in demand and at Healthcare Solutions we are working diligently to stay on top of industry developments that are affecting our staffing clients. We know you have many questions and we are going to do our very best to provide you with the latest information.

Bermuda is closely monitoring the global developments of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) through the World Health Organization (WHO) and with our regional public health partners – Public Health England, Pan-American Health Organization and Caribbean Public Health Agency. Please follow for update information and guidance.

Top Tips For Creating A Powerful Resume/CV Sat, 04 Apr 2020 01:29:00 +0000 Research before you write

Each company requires distinctive skills and knowledge. So, before writing your CV, you should browse through lots of relevant job adverts, take note of the candidate requirements and make a list of them. Only focus on hard skills. Write down your industry-specific skills, IT, languages, and qualifications. Now you get your list of the in-demand skills for the target roles; you will know what exactly to focus your CV around.

Use a smart layout

What defines the overall outlook of a CV is its outline. It determines how the document will be read. You want to make your CV look flawlessly professional to impress the busy recruiters. Firstly, use a word processing program like Microsoft Word or Google Docs to create your CV. Next, format your CV to have clear and indicative navigation.

Stick to a clean and crisp font

Choose a basic color scheme, black text on a white background is best. Don’t be tempted to use fancy fonts and wacky color schemes in a bid of a standout. It could make the CV difficult to read.

Keep the right length

Your recruiter probably has limited time to read through every CV. That said, you don’t want to make it too long. Although there is no set-in-stone rule for CV length, you want it to be no longer than two A4 pages. It should provide you enough space to tell you story.

Take advantage of Headings

Use bold headings to highlight sections of your CV. With clear navigation, that they will know which part they should skip and which to pay more attention when skim reading.

How to structure a CV

Personal information: Your name and contact info should sit on top of the CV

Brief intro: Write a short paragraph saying your vision, mission, or summary of your abilities and aims. This helps grab the recruiter’s attention when the document is first opened.

Core skills: Here is where you will put bullet points of your relevant skills provides a snapshot of your offerings as a candidate

Experience: List your related working experience in reverse chronological order to showcase your ability

Education and qualifications: This part should stand near the bottom of your CV

Hobbies and interests: These are optional. Add them if you think they will add value to your applications

How to write for each section

Personal details

To set a tone of the CV, you should add a professional title next to your name. If you don’t have one, state the position of your previous work; or at least a Mr, Ms, or Mrs. Ideally, it should relate to the role you are applying for. The only contact details you need to include are your email, phone number, and location. You don’t need to give your full address, date of birth, marital status, or a photo of yourself.

Personal statement

This first proper content is an introductory paragraph summarizes your skills, experience, and knowledge. You will want to excite the recruiters and encourage them to continue reading the rest of your CV. Besides what you have gained from past work, you should also include the benefits the previous employers have got from you. Remember to keep the text short and sharp, pack it with the only necessary information, and avoid using cliché terms.

Core skills

Split your most valuable attributes into 2 or 3 columns. Ideally, keep each point under 3 words so that the readers can digest these contents in seconds. This will make sure your recruiters stick to the CV and don’t skip past it as too many words will bore them. Keep in mind that you must tailor these points towards your target roles, including role-specific skills, qualification, industry knowledge, languages, and IT skills.

Work experience

Prove the impact you made in the previous jobs in this list from oldest to latest. Stuff each part with more details of recent roles and less with older roles. If you don’t have any experience with paid work, you can also add, voluntary roles, University work placements, part-time jobs, or an example where you contribute your capabilities.

For the rest of the CV, you can add relevant degrees or certifications that will support the hiring decision. Anything that may incorporate your application will make your CV stronger.

Write what you want to see, not all you have. Employers only care about what do you have to bring them benefits.

The Joy And Pride Of Being A Healthcare Worker Wed, 01 Apr 2020 01:28:29 +0000 COMING SOON…personal stories from our front line staff.
